Wednesday, October 29, 2014


For the Pitbulls:
Let’s shine the lights and give “Kudos” to those organization who commit their time and resources saving stranded, abused and neglected dogs but, a special thanks goes to those people who risk their safety and their livelihood just to make a difference in the lives of Pitbulls, the number one exploited dog breed. These heroes go beyond their limitations rescuing, providing care and finding shelter to ensure Pitbulls have a chance of life. Most of these organizations rely in donation and sponsorships attained from the nearby community through activities and fund raisings in which in turn is an opportunity to educate the general public in the facts and myths of Pitbulls.

   Lots of these dogs end up euthanized in regular shelters due to lack of room, time for rehabilitation or just simply discrimination of the breed. Rescue organizations provide adoptions or foster programs for these dogs that would not stand a chance in a typical “kill shelter”. They are the Pitbulls guardian angels but despite their effort not all can be saved. They need our help in order to change the views of the general public about Pitbulls.

Here are five Popular Pitbulls Rescue Organization

Shorty’s Pitbull Rescue:
Hollywood, CA. President-Luigi “Shorty” Rossi; from the TV show “Pit Boss”, Shortywood is a Pitbull Rescue Organization based featured in The Animal Planet Network. Due to health issues Shorty can no maintain Shorty’s Rescue but he still active fighting BSL laws and promoting bully breed awareness.

Rescue Ink:
Long Beach, NY. President-Joe Panz; featured in The Animal Planet Network.

Villalobos Rescue Center:
New Orleans, LA; Founder-Tia Maria Torres; featured in The Animal Planet Network, provide the opportunity for parolee’s rehabilitation providing care for Rescued Pitbulls. Currently sheltering the largest rescued Pitbulls group.

Best Friends Animal Society:
Kanab, Utah, New York City, NY, Los Angeles, CA; the rescue organization who took 22 of Michael Vick’s Pitbulls. One of the largest rescue networks on the nation.

Pit Sisters:
Jacksonville, FL-Fast growing Rescue Center in North East Florida.

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