Wednesday, October 29, 2014


For the Pitbulls:
Let’s shine the lights and give “Kudos” to those organization who commit their time and resources saving stranded, abused and neglected dogs but, a special thanks goes to those people who risk their safety and their livelihood just to make a difference in the lives of Pitbulls, the number one exploited dog breed. These heroes go beyond their limitations rescuing, providing care and finding shelter to ensure Pitbulls have a chance of life. Most of these organizations rely in donation and sponsorships attained from the nearby community through activities and fund raisings in which in turn is an opportunity to educate the general public in the facts and myths of Pitbulls.

   Lots of these dogs end up euthanized in regular shelters due to lack of room, time for rehabilitation or just simply discrimination of the breed. Rescue organizations provide adoptions or foster programs for these dogs that would not stand a chance in a typical “kill shelter”. They are the Pitbulls guardian angels but despite their effort not all can be saved. They need our help in order to change the views of the general public about Pitbulls.

Here are five Popular Pitbulls Rescue Organization

Shorty’s Pitbull Rescue:
Hollywood, CA. President-Luigi “Shorty” Rossi; from the TV show “Pit Boss”, Shortywood is a Pitbull Rescue Organization based featured in The Animal Planet Network. Due to health issues Shorty can no maintain Shorty’s Rescue but he still active fighting BSL laws and promoting bully breed awareness.

Rescue Ink:
Long Beach, NY. President-Joe Panz; featured in The Animal Planet Network.

Villalobos Rescue Center:
New Orleans, LA; Founder-Tia Maria Torres; featured in The Animal Planet Network, provide the opportunity for parolee’s rehabilitation providing care for Rescued Pitbulls. Currently sheltering the largest rescued Pitbulls group.

Best Friends Animal Society:
Kanab, Utah, New York City, NY, Los Angeles, CA; the rescue organization who took 22 of Michael Vick’s Pitbulls. One of the largest rescue networks on the nation.

Pit Sisters:
Jacksonville, FL-Fast growing Rescue Center in North East Florida.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


   Another successful dogfighting ring bust happened in Polk County Florida on Wednesday October 22, 2014. A man and a woman are facing several charges after been arrested by the Polk county police which they found 61 dogs tied in the property. The police also found several rings suspected to be used for dog fighting including one with recent blood in it and also a treadmill.

   After finding this news we, dog advocates, salute the parties involved in this event risking their safety to save innocent creatures forced to behave in a cruel way commanded by their owners. Weather for profit or sport makes no different on the impact on the dogs needing rehabilitation after this amazing rescue and the people providing care for them and the resources utilized to accommodate this dogs.

   Some of these dogs will be deemed dangerous and eventually destroyed depending on the assessment of their physical and mental condition thus fueling the fear and misconception about Pitbulls to those who are skeptical about these breed. Some will use this information to promote BSL ideals to excuse their prejudgment towards large dogs or (as typically represented) “aggressive” breeds.

   Hope this will shine a positive light on the cruel reality of what these breed face instead of how bad owning one of this dog could be. Let us remember that not all people who own a Pitbull use them for fights and the same goes to not all Pitbulls are aggressive trained to fight. This is just an example of a combination of irresponsible ownership of a powerful breed and poor judgment.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014



   Throughout the years certain dog breeds have gotten bad publicity and reputation. As the time goes by some of the myth get pass from breed to breed that is popular at the moment. Most of us that love dogs know the reality of certain breeds or at least know the erroneous perceptions a lot of people have about big dogs. Pitbulls are top of the talk in these days when it comes to myths and urban legends. Some of these myths were originated from other breeds and now Pitbulls had inherited some of them. First were the German Shepherds, the Doberman Pinschers then the Rottweilers now the Pitbulls. Here are some of the most talk about myths surrounding the Pitbulls now days.

   Pitbulls lock their jaws when they bit: “NO”, there has been professional studies done and the findings are that there is no difference in the Pitbulls jaws structure than any other breed of dogs. The explanation of this is that the determination of a Pitbull to please and protect its owner.

   Pitbulls have 1500+ PSI of pressure in their bite: “NO”, it’s not true. The “bite force” of the 3 most popular “dangerous” dogs were tested in an independent comparison test conducted by Dr. Barr. The result was, the Rottweiler bite was recorded 328 PSI, German Shepherd bite was recorded at 238 PSI and the Pitbull bite was recorded at 235, the lowest of the  three.

   Pitbulls turn on their owner: “NO”, like any other dog regardless its breed or size if the dog feel mistreated or threatened it will defend or protect itself. Some cases may happen as the result of ignoring the signs of a dogs reaction to certain situations. Some of these signs are very settle and other we confuse them as the dog been stubborn or uncooperative.

   Pitbulls feel no pain: “YES”, they do feel pain. Their nervous sensors works just the same as other dogs the only difference is their ability to ignore the pain and discomfort in order to stay on task; that’s what they were bred for originally; to confront bigger animals such as bull and/or bears in hunting sports.

   Pitbulls brain swells up causing them to go crazy: There has been no proof or evidence in this fact other than just a rumor.

   Pitbulls has the most recorded fatal attacks reported: “YES”, but lets do the numbers game; Pitbulls and similar breeds are the most popular dogs breeds in the nation and therefor more incidents will reflect on them. Also in the mist of confusion humans tends to think like the old saying “if it looks like a duck”.

   Pitbulls are aggressive towards other dogs and humans:  “YES/NO”, like any other terrier Pitbulls are discriminating towards anything and any stranger invading their territory although Pitbulls were known as nanny dog before the raise of their bad reputation.  They are more reactive to certain situation than other dogs so precautions must be a must when handling a Pitbull.

   Blue nose or Red nose Pitbulls are rare or special: “NO”, just like the variety of color on their coat (solid brown, black, mixed, brindle) also there is a wide variety of nose colors; black, blue and red. They are just Pitbulls in whole.

   Let’s not ignore that owning such a powerful dog comes with great responsibility training and socializing these dogs along educating friends, family and neighbors about them. The more people know about this breed the less chances of preventable accidents would occur.  

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Owning a big dog

Owning a big dog is a big responsibility given the damage they can do if not trained properly. Here is a demonstration of the power behind their jaws. Check this video out and let's think if you own one of this breeds  and they get out of the yard or break loose from a leash.

Monday, September 15, 2014


Mastiff: Health concerns.

If you are considering getting a Mastiff here are some health issues you might want to read up first. It better to be informed and prepared before committing to this breed.
   Mastiffs are probably about average when it comes to the number of hereditary health problems that they are prone to. Being a large breed they are very prone to joint problems. For more information on genetic problems, please refer to MCOA Health. * Potentially life threatening or serious: (these conditions may be inherited or in some cases acquired) ° Joint: hip dysplasia; elbow dysplasia (ununited anconeal process, fragmented coronoid process, degenerative joint disease); osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the shoulders, knees, elbows or hocks. ° Eye problems that cause blindness: cataracts*, retinal dysplasia with detachment, glaucoma*, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) ° Other inherited eye problems: geographic retinal dysplasia, Persistent Pupillary Membranes (PPM), entropion. ° Hypothyroidism*, immune deficiencies, Wobblers syndrome ° Skin: demodectic mange, deep pyoderma ° Nervous system: myasthenia gravis*, muscular dystrophy*, epilepsy*
   Other: cardiomyopathy*, leukemia, bone cancer*, cystinuria * Less serious and/or less common: (*these conditions may be inherited or in some cases acquired) ° Eye problems: ectropion, iris cysts, macroblapharon (haw), corneal dystrophy*, distichiasis, cherry eye, dry eye, retinal folds. ° Skin: allergies °
   Joint problems: HOD (hypertrophic Osteo Dystrophy), degenerative joint disease*, arthritis*, spondylosis of the spine. ° Reproductive: cryptorchid, monorchid, vaginal hyperplasia. ° Heart: murmurs*, pulmonic stenosis. ° Other: hernias, von Willebrands Disease (vWD). What are the common non-genetic health problems in Mastiffs? Mastiffs are subject to the same common diseases and afflictions as every other breed of dog. Some of the more prevalent are: ° Joint and bone: cruciate ligament rupture, panosteitis, elbow hygroma. ° Urinary tract: kidney and bladder infections, bladder stones. ° Ear infections, hot spots, cysts and tumors °
   Reproductive: uterine inertia, pyometra, other uterine infections, mastitis, breast cancer. ° Cancer (bowel, brain, spine, etc. Some forms of cancer are inherited, most are not). ° Other: gastric torsion (bloat), pica (eating rocks, socks, etc.) What other problems do Mastiffs have? * Temperament: ° Aggressive ° Fearful (inherited or lack of socialization) ° Shy *
   Structural Faults: ° Limbs: weak pasterns, cow-hocks, straight shoulders, stifles and/or hocks, elbows in or out instead of parallel ° Bite: very undershot, overshot, crooked teeth, wry (twisted) jaw ° Tail: abnormally short, kinked, bob tail ° Feet: flat (hare foot), loose toes, turned toes or feet ° Coat: long hair, no under coat, excessive white markings (piebald) ° Movement: paddling, crossing, sidewinding, overreaching, lack of drive. * Problems caused by their size: ° Expensive and difficult to take on an airplane once mature ° Navigating steep stairs ° Getting into small cars ° Happy Tail (Crate Tail) syndrome - prone to abrasions (often accompanied by considerable blood splattering) from wagging against thing.
Also, when looking for a puppy you might want to check out the breeder, the parents & siblings of the puppy you are considering to get. Read this: